Nadia Jelassi
Born in 1958, Tunis where she lives and works.
Nadia Jelassi is an artist and teacher at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux-Arts in Tunis, where she has supervised several fine arts projects. An Arts Science and Techniques graduate, she has directed the Research Unit: Modern Artistic Practices in Tunisia and the Doctoral School: Arts & Culture.
She is also the author of several works on utilitarian forms and modern and contemporary artistic practices in Tunisia.
She curated Gorgi pluriel, the fourth edition of Talan l’Expo, and Hirafen, the fifth edition of Talan L’expo.
Nadia Jelassi uses various mediums and explores different political expressions and facts through various mediums. It also asks some autobiographical elements as they intersect with political history in a general way.
Also participation to several collective exhibitions at A.Gorgi gallery, Kanvas art gallery, Hope Contemporary, Carthage Museum, Château de Servières (Marseille), Musée de la vieille charité (Marseille), Contemporary Art Museum of Gibellina, (Italy) …
Selected Works
Solo exhibitions
2017 : Karopolis, A.Gorgi Gallery, Tunis.
2015 : Fatchata, A.Gorgi Gallery, Tunis.
2013 : Parce que vous le valez bien, Vitrine Régionale d’art contemporain (VRAC), Millau, France
2010 : En rupture d’assisses, Kanvas art gallery, Tunis, Tunisia
2005 : Trois boutons etc., Centre des Arts Vivants de Radès.
1993 : Peinture/Peintures, Galerie Yahia, Tunis.
1997 : Superposition, Les différents niveaux d’occupation, with Muriel Modr, french videographer, Carthage Museum, Tunis.
Group exhibition (Selection)
2023 : Nature morte (ou enterrée?), Musée Safia Farhat, Radès.
2022 : Peuple es-tu là?, Musée Safia Farhat, Radès.
2020 : Payasage, Musée Safia Farhat, Radès.
2019 :
What is a box?, El Marsa Gallery, Tunis.
Post-prod, Musée Safia Farhat, Radès.
2018 : Histoire(s), Musée Safia Farhat, Radès.
2015 : Réminiscence, Talan L’expo – A.Gorgi Gallery, Tunis.
2013 : les insignes de la citoyenneté, A.Gorgi Gallery, Tunis.
2008 : Objets +, A.Gorgi Gallery, Tunis.
1994 : Collages, Métropolitain Tokyo Museum of Arts, Japan.
1993 : Echanges 1, Château de Servières, Marseille.
1992 : Artisti tunisini a Gibellina, Musée d’art contemporain de Gibellina, Italy.