A.Gorgi Gallery is thrilled to present « Absence Habitée », a solo exhibition by Aya Ben Amor.
Opening: Thursday, 08.02 at 18:00.
On View Until: 27.02.
Gallery Hours: Monday to Friday, 11:00 – 18:00.
Absence Habitée
Dans un monde où l’être humain a disparu, les animaux ré-investissent les vestiges de la civilisation, transformant les outils humains en éléments de leur propre univers. Aya Ben Amor travaille sur un support inattendu : la serpillière. Ce tissu, choisi pour sa porosité et son absorption, devient à la fois toile et matière première, brouillant les frontières entre tapisserie et peinture.
Ce choix témoigne d’une démarche à la fois écologique et artistique, où le matériau récupéré porte en lui une histoire et une texture uniques. Par cette approche, l’artiste célèbre la beauté des éléments modestes et redéfinit leur valeur. Ses œuvres, empreintes d’une esthétique pop-art et d’une touche d’humour, réinventent le rôle des animaux, qui deviennent les véritables acteurs d’un monde rééquilibré.
En combinant cette matérialité tactile avec des couleurs vives et des thèmes humoristiques ou symboliques, l’artiste ancre son travail dans une esthétique contemporaine et accessible, tout en rendant hommage à la richesse des matériaux modestes et à leur potentiel narratif.

Abu Dhabi Art Fair 2024
For the third time in a row, A.Gorgi Gallery has participated in Abu Dhabi Art Fair 2024, featuring a selection of works by Omar Bey, Najah Zarbout, Mohamed Amine Hamouda and Ymen Berhouma.
Booth A7 from Wednesday to Sunday. (November 20 – 24th)
Opening : November 20th at 14:00.
Showing Hours : 14:00 – 21:00

A.Gorgi Gallery is delighted to announce the opening of a new solo show entitled « 3K900 » by Ymen Berhouma.
Opening : Thursday, October 3rd at 18:00.
The exhibition lasts till November 1st.
Monday to Friday : 11:00 – 18:00.
« The world is given to man as if it were a puzzle to solve. My entire life-with its bizarre dissolute moments as well as deep meditations-has been spent solving this puzzle. Indeed I surmounted problems whose novelty and dimensions exalted me. Having entered into unsuspected regions, I saw that which eyes had never seen. Nothing more intoxicating: laughter and reason, horror and light became penetrable; to my knowledge there was nothing not accessible to my fever. Like a marvelous madwoman, death unceasingly opened or closed the gates of the possible. »
George Bataille, Inner experience.

For the first time A.Gorgi Gallery will participate in MIA Photo Fair 2024, featuring a selection of works by Fakhri El Ghezal, Intissar Belaid and Moritz Hagedorn.
Booth E010 from Friday to Sunday. (April 11 – 14 th)
Opening : April 11th at 12:00.
Showing Hours : 12:00 – 21:00
MiramART collection award winner
Fakhri El Ghezal won the MiramArt Collection Award 2024 for his photo artwork entitled “15/2013”, part of Fakhri el Ghezal’s long-term project “To Redeyef” (2012-2016).
El Ghezal’s focus on the lone, glowing sign reading “Allah Hotel” is deliberate. Bathed in a dim environment, the sign’s prominence becomes a silent critique of the 2013 political situation, just three years after the revolution. The image evokes the lingering presence of Redeyef’s “ghostly inhabitants” – a community seemingly abandoned in a desolate landscape, devoid of divine intervention or governmental support. Here, God’s name becomes a symbol not of a holy place, but of a deserted hotel, a stark reminder of broken promises and unmet needs.

A.Gorgi gallery
at Investec Cape Town Art Fair 2024
16 – 18 February 2024, 11 am to 6 pm
Booth C13
• Mohamed Amine Hamouda
• Najah Zarbout
• Ymen Berhouma
With guest artist : Intissar Belaid
RDC Art Collection prize winner
RDC Property Group art collection prize was given to the weaved artwork of Mohamed Amine Hamouda during Investec Cape Town Art Fair 2024.

05 NOV 2023 > 20 MAR 2024 From 10 am to 6 pm
at the Ateliers du Centre Technique du Tapis et du Tissage in Denden, Tunisia
Majd Abdel Hamid • Joël Andrianomearisoa • Asma Ben Aïssa • Meriem Bouderbala • Dora Dalila Cheffi • Binta Diaw • Jennifer Douzenel • Aïcha Filali • Mohamed Amine Hamouda • Sonia Kallel • Abdoulaye Konaté • Aymen Mbarki • Chalisée Naamani • Sara Ouhaddou • Zineb Sedira • Aïcha Snoussi • Moffat Takadiwa • Ali Tnani • Najah Zarbout
Hirafen | Talan l’Expo 2023
Curated by : Nadia Jlassi & Ludovic Delalande
The Hirafen exhibition offers an unprecedented dialogue between contemporary art and craftsmanship. Nineteen multidisciplinary artists were invited to draw on the skills of Tunisian artisanal weaving and braiding to create specific works in the context of a research and production residency in Tunisia. Through their respective artistic practices, these artists from different origins and generations have each developed a unique approach that explores the plural dimensions of intangible heritage to discover whose non-linear history is marked by evolutions, influences and ruptures.

Sonia Kallel
AJAR, 2023
Jacquard weaving
Mohamed Amine Hamouda
Plant fibers from the Gabès oasis and oasis waste including palm stems, branches, and bark, silk extracted from gourd stems, scripus, rushes, banana trees, alfa, etc.
Aicha snoussi
Old cistern, machinery from the Center and its debris, ropes, braiding of plant fibers, various materials, sound.