I dreamt of being an island
16-20 .11. 22
Najah Zarbout Solo show - Abu Dhabi Art Fair
To be surrounded by a horizon, to discover one’s weakness,
to bear the agonizing servitude of time and the unbearable fragility of the soil,… is to be an island.
The island, this unstable, vulnerable or porous territory, turns out to be a place of oxymoron.
Insularity has the power to lead to contemplation so deep and light and a slowness so gentle and
cruel .
By manipulating the paper, the artist recreates the island which reveals its fragility and instability through embossing, folding or laceration.
Diverse combinations are mixed with lights, lines and notches, thus provoking a new territoriality charged with fluctuations between the terrestrial and the aquatic in a relentless game of ebb and flow.
Thus, the artist gives substance to archipelagos, tracing the limits and redefining the borders to perhaps better understand and relive the experience of the surface.